HYALURON Moisture Active Effect Concentrate 無縫水膜精華 7 x 2ml



水膜因子填補細胞裂縫 締造滴水不漏肌 HYALURON Moisture Active Effect Concentrate relies on the unique Aqua Shield Factor. An immediate effect takes hold in a valuable combination of active ingredients. Thanks to this maximum supply of moisture, the skin looks visibly smoothed, full and refreshed. Even noticeable wrinkles due to dryness look softened and markedly reduced as the skin presents itself in an ideal condition. 解決乾燥肌膚問題,著重於肌底保濕只是瞬間水潤幻覺。想擁有持久水潤肌膚,皮脂膜護理是把守 水份的根源。隨年紀增長及外來污染物影響,於肌膚最表層的皮脂膜細胞儲水能力急劇下降; 續漸 喪失黏合性,令皮膚出現巨大裂縫,彷如一道日久失修的破門,任由水份流走,出現長期乾燥現象。 無縫水膜精華中的水膜因子,透過水合作用即時填補皮脂膜細胞裂縫,增強細胞黏合性,令細胞互 相緊扣,同時提升其儲水量,重建一道無縫水漾之門,緊守肌膚第一道防線,防止水份流走,締造滴水不漏肌。 Active Ingredients • Aqua Shield Factor • Mineral Combination 有效成份 • 水膜因子 • 礦物質複合物 Performance • Reduction of expression lines • Enhance skin elasticity and vigorousness • Provide smooth and supple skin texture 功效 • 即時填補皮脂膜細胞裂縫,防止水份流走 • 增強細胞黏合性,重建無縫水漾之門 • 強效滲透水潤成份,由內至外持久保濕
